1. You need install both this dictionary pack and <b><a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jb.gokeyboard&referrer=utm_source%3DpluginsLinkOnGP%26utm_medium%3Dhyperlink%26utm_campaign%3Decosystem">GO Keyboard</a></b> to make sure it works.
2. Download this dictionary pack will enable word prediction feature for this language in GO Keyboard.
<b>How to use dictionary pack </b>
1. Download and install 中國台灣倉頡\速成\注音\筆劃FOR GO KEYBOARD,then open the application GO Keyboard.
2. Follow this tutorial:Settings –> Languages --> Check the box ” 台灣倉頡\速成\注音\筆劃”.
<b>About GO Keyboard-Emoji,Emotions</b>
GO Keyboard is a
<b><a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jb.gokeyboard.plugin.emoji">Emoji Free</a></b> keyboard that delivers better auto-correction and a user-friendly interface. It supports 60+ languages and the language pool is expanding as you request. The symbols in the keyboard are compatible across all popular apps, including SMS, Gmail, Whatsapp etc. The most important: We are listening to you and let us know!</br></br>